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    Description should be language-agnostic

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    Java translation(author inactive)

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    Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the description does not describe at all the actual task. With Hello World! :

    • First, you need to reverse the string.

    -> '!dlroW olleH'

    • Then, the last character in the original string (the first character in the reversed string) needs to be moved to the back.

    Last character in the original is ! (if we consider punctuation marks as, the description states; otherwise it would be d )
    so -> 'dlroW olleH!' or '!lroW olleHd'

    • Words will be separated by spaces, and punctuation marks can be counted as part of the word.

    Why do you refer to words ? Why and how should we consider words? It's not question about words in the previous instructions.
    If punctuation mark has to be counted as part of the world, why isn't it reversed just like the word itself?

    How can we get lleHo dlroW! following those instructions ?

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    I would add at least tuples.

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    Like you said yourself is this kata inspired by myjinxin2015 "Basic data types"-katas. You should have added a translation for Python instead off duplicating the whole thing.

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    Juste a suggestion, maybe add other data types tuples and sets

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    Not so good tests :)

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    Sample test should instantiate the class or the initial function should be made static.

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    Nice job for your first kata. I would suggest more test cases to optimize the testing. I also would take a quick look at the kata details/instructions. They are worded with a bit of ambiguity in terms of where the exclamation should go. I had to look at the assertion in the sample test case to make sure what to submit.

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    A tad more interesting than the previous in the series, but again too primitive. There are plenty of other types that do not get as much coverage, but still are useful like Arrays (numpy), Tuples, doubles etc which could very easily be introduced too, or at least added for more variety.

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    Write your Katas just like you'd want to see them!

    "My First Kata" in the title isn't really necessary, and neither is the apology at the start, as someone already pointed out.

    Also, even though it's unlikely that someone would hardcode a simple Kata like this one, you should still add some random tests to prevent that. If you're just starting out, I'd be happy to help you out. :)

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    Do not apologize is is your first kata! Also I do not know the name Toom, could we use Tom instead?

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    I saw in the feed that you also published another kata in the series. I would suggest linking them all to each other for easier access :)

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    The solution shall assert if the input is a string or not

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