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    Superceded by above

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    Very good kata :>

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    What does your solution return for up_array([])? It should return None.

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    Test cases for random numbers sometimes does not include the possibility of having 9 digits in the middle of the number. If this happens, sometimes code accomplish well the task because these random tests are missing and in other cases it will fail in these cases.

    Examples like 9999 -> 10000, 999 -> 1000, 99 -> 100, 9 -> 10

    Programming Language: C

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    The description could use an example like [9,9] => [1,0,0], showing that the length of the returned array is expected to change.

    Otherwise, this behaviour can come as a bit of a surprise for more staticly types languages.

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    It seems you are testing the current top voted solution - are you running it with some of the #commented_out tests?

    There is one test:

    test.assert_equals(up_array([3.14, 1.41, 2.72]), None);

    that will cause a ValueError, but this test is commented-out in the test suite so should not run when you press Attempt (unless you deleted the # comment part) - maybe you un-commented it?

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    I wish there was some warning with this Kata on BigInt in Javascript, I'd never heard of it before and wasted so much time writing a function only to discover it would never have worked.

    Please maybe add a warning as I'm not the only person here to discover this.

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    I am sorry but I do not understand exactly what's the problem. Does you solution not work? Or maybe some solution from "Solutions" page does not work? Which one?

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    I don't think it is necessary.

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    As simple as that.

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