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    To anyone experiencing this, console.log your values instead and you'll probably figure out the quirk that's causing the comparison to fail

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    • Damn, you're right – thanks for noticing.
    • Eh, I don't think it's critical.
    • Oh, you're correct, it is exploitable indeed. When writing large test cases, it looks like I just copy-pasted the small test parts and forgot to modify them. I just assumed something about myself that I didn't do. It's not my code to begin with; I just did some cleaning 😅

    I think it should be good now. Please review it again.

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    You are so full of yourself. You are in no position to tell people what they should and should not be proud of.

    Linq is the worst thing a beginner coder could ever learn.

    And who told you that OP, or anyone in this thread as a matter of fact, was a beginner? Everybody knows what 2.5x faster means. You didn't need to recite the entire hare and tortoise song-and-dance like you're talking to preschoolers. People know when they're being patronized, so have some tact.

    Since you're so intent on quoting things, want me to leave off with something?

    Premature optimization is the root of all evil.

    If LINQ is not a bottleneck, it is not a bottleneck. You are Dunning-Kruger personified.

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    The timeout issues you've experienced are because your algorithm is slow (most solutions finish in <= 1sec), otherwise yes I agree that the description could be more explicit about the desired shape of the cartesian products.

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    if you're talking about mine, not really. it doesn't spoil the task but i spoilered it on the side of caution since it mentions a library name

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    Do I need to solve this kata to see that last remark?

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Actually, language used in comments on the platform is my business.

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    I mean who are you? I doubt you have some high authority to order me to do something even when the talk wasn't forwarded to you in the first place. Minding your business would be better, wouldn't it?

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    Try to find better words to express your frustration next time, would you.

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    I'm frustrated rather than amazed, I solved this question with alot of lines and when I decided to see the answers that guy somehow solved it in one line of code using some weird libraries that doesn't even work on my VS code. So OFC I am confused as hell

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    What happened so amazing to make you forget proper language?

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    This comment has been reported as abusive

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