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    not sure what 'toddy' means to you but here we make it out of the sap of the cononut tree and its delicius!
    had to do the Kata when I saw that you had the kids drinking Toddy!

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    I feel like the real problem is the random test generator is not really testing for much. my solution was passing all the random tests everytime and still failing 2-3 of the specific tests.

    Just a thought

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    Great Kata!
    My solution was crazy messy but I just didnt have the heart to change the raw organic beauty of its monstriusness..(dont tell my employer)

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    yes I submitted my king in check kata solution because after all it has all the peices already. Just had to modify board size and characters representing queen and king

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    Highly recomend adding something to the description like: "You are going to write a program that demonstrates the Monty Hall principle"
    or something along those lines. Not sure if its because I was tired but it took me a good bit just to figure out from the description what the purpose of the programm was.

    Its a really cool puzzle though! love how some of the math riddle/arguments can be resolved by simple program demonstrations like this one.

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    Yea the solution for the other one covers this one.
    The only difference I see is that the other one can have leading 0's in the input strings.
    I did the other one in PHP and just had to translate my solution to javascript for this one.

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    I like it hahahaha. I think it has Kata potential.
    will look over this one a bit more tomorrow and maybe make a kata draft.

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    Its not about making Python faster just writing an algorythm that does not require as many iterations. This Kata has very large tests so solutions using nested loops and such will be very hard to get working fast enough.

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    Learned some awsome stuff going through the solutions afterwords. Thanks for the great kata

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    then make one lol
    its called community effort...

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    good idea but at least for python it gets stuck in formating/typing issues very easily.
    I would recommend at least putting some of it in the instructions so the coder knows whats comming.

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