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    I've passed as well, but without changing the code I've submitted my solution and it didn't work for a few times and finally did. I've noticed that the failing tests shown different numbers which should not be there. But if you say it's ok then it's ok :-) Thanks

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    Are all the Ruby tests ok? I solved this Kata by submitting the same code for a few times, the test values were changing and sometimes simply not worked for a good solution.

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    I suggest you to extend the test suit of this Kata in Ruby, it's passing with no problems for the non-positive numbers, which actually cannot be Pronic as (-5) * (-6) is not -30 ;-)

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    I'm afraid the Ruby tests are not working properly. I'm getting:

    Testing for [{"range"=>35, "damaged"=>true}]
    It should work for random inputs too - Expected: true, instead got: false

    which is quite not right with the description. It should return false as the arrow has "damaged" => true value. It's impossible to get true and false with the same conditions ;-)

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    I was just trying to add some more tests but have an information that "Test cases can no longer be edited for this kata". Sorry

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    Thank you for joining my Kata. Unfortunately I dont know Python too much and have some problems now with all the comments arriving to my mailbox which I have no idea about how to answer (eg. about haskell, js, python etc.). This is my first Kata and after all the translations it's now overwhelming me :D

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    @Balkoth, @ZozoFouchtra : you were right Guys - I've fixed this Ruby issue, thanks for keeping your heads up! ;-)

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    I've authored Ruby version of this Kata and to be honest I dont really know what you mean ;-) could you please give me some more details? ;-)

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    Thanks for that, I've added the test cases to the JS version, even if the solution is a mystery for me right now ;-) hope you won't catch any harder to solve problems with non-Ruby versions of this Kata! ;-)

    thanks once again!

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    great! :)

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    you're talking about which language? I have some similar falsy tests in my Ruby version and I am not the author of any other language versions of this Kata. It looks like I'm experiencing some issues/suggestions about my kata translated to another language that I actually dont even know, like e.g. Haskell ;-) This is my first published Kata, where I can find the Author of my Kara's translations? There should be a notice somewhere in the Kata not only about the original author but also about the translated versions' authors.

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    Sorry, but once again I have to ask about what language you are talking about? I have Test.assert_equals(power_of_4(1),true) in my test case in Ruby so it looks like you think about a Kata that I'm not the author of. I've originally crafted Ruby version of this kata and if you're having problems with e.g. Haskell I cannot help you.

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    I'm not the author of Haskell version of this kata, cause actually I dont know Haskell ;-) I cant help you unfortunately.

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    Which language are you talking about? I've authored this Kata in Ruby and I'm not really sure that this test output comes from my original version as all my tests return True or False only ;-) please give me some more detailed info. Thanks for feedback!

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    I think the test output and description are not really helpful. This kata solution is working fine on my local machine, but still getting 'Nope!' when submitting here. The description and comments here are also not quite uniform, your description says to return "Correct!" If the guess is correct, but in the comment below you're telling "You should return the number once you have calculated it, that is all :).". I cant really get it all working fine here unfortunately. It would be great if you can add some more details in your description or tests.

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