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    no random tests in Clojure and Ruby

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    The statement doesn't say the input must be a positive integer when the answer is an integer, so there should be test cases for zero and negative integer arguments.

    I know these aren't there now, since my first (and only, so far) submission will fail the zero case, returning true, when the correct answer is false; and most or all of the submissions using Math.log will fail on negative arguments.

    My submission was in Ruby, btw, but the same principle applies to all translations.

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    • As mentioned below, you didn't tell people how Easter is calculated (which is known to be super complicated)
    • No random tests
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    People are using n % 4 to solve this kata, and I dont think this is right...

    Maybe theres not enough test cases?

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    Hello, it will be nice, that in the task you explain more word 'power'
    For example, write in brackets like this: "power(index,exponent)" , because it may be misunderstooded by not native english speakers

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    You could add tests for Infinity in the javascript version:

      Test.expect(powerOf4(Infinity) === false);
      Test.expect(powerOf4(-Infinity) === false);
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    You could add numeric strings, such as "4", which shouldn't pass, but would with some existing solutions.

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