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    I agree. If I pass a list into someone else's function, I want at least a warning in the docs if it's going to modify it.

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    I took a look at your account. Switching it from "Fundamentals" to "Rank Up" seems to have fixed the same 10 kata issue. We are looking into the completion issues. Which kata did not get marked as completed for you?

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    I find that it cycles through the same 10 kata, will not give me credit for solving several of them, and changing the focus does not seem to help. If I "complete" one of several problematic kata, my completed numbers don't go up, I will encounter the same ones as I continue to train, and continue not to be credited for them.

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    Please recheck this solution. Since xs is a reference to a list outside of the function, it has the side affect of modifying the data structure. That could be a nasty surprise to the user of this function. I believe a better solution is to run the sort on a copy of the list.

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    It means that you are not returning an alphabetically ordered list if the frequencies are the same.

    'j' < 'k' == True

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    Hmm...I passed all 49 test cases and 51 of 52 cases on final submission. The error states 15 should equal 12. Could I get a hint about the test I am failing?

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    Issues seem to be resolved now.

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    This should be resolved now.

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    What "focus" do you have selected? If you have fundamentals selected then it might just be that there are not very many challenges yet. Python was just recently added a few weeks ago so the content is still being built-up. The "focus" is the dropdown on the dashboard just below the language dropdown.

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    Sorry for the issue. We are deploying a fix now that should handle this issue. Did you happen to notice any ajax errors in your console by any chance?

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    That solution made me smile. Kudos!

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    I'm working on the Python track.

    Periodically, when I submit to run tests, the process will hang on "waiting for results". Typically, this happens when I have submitted an erroneous solution previously, and I have tried to make corrections. Reloading the page won't help; resetting the kata won't help. I can neither run tests nor submit.

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    Same thing is happening for me. Haven't been on Codewars for a few months but came back and recently changed my username and added FB/Twitter integration. Now can't submit anything because it just gives me the http/https error in the console.

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    Issue still persists, but the clear cache works for me. You might need to look into it again but at least we have a temporary fix for now.

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    I just joined yesterday on the Python track. Each time I hit next Kata I get a Kata I have already solved. It just seems to cycle through the 10 or so kata, eight of which I have already solved. I can't imagine that it is suppossed to work this way.