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    I took a look at your account. Switching it from "Fundamentals" to "Rank Up" seems to have fixed the same 10 kata issue. We are looking into the completion issues. Which kata did not get marked as completed for you?

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    I find that it cycles through the same 10 kata, will not give me credit for solving several of them, and changing the focus does not seem to help. If I "complete" one of several problematic kata, my completed numbers don't go up, I will encounter the same ones as I continue to train, and continue not to be credited for them.

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    What "focus" do you have selected? If you have fundamentals selected then it might just be that there are not very many challenges yet. Python was just recently added a few weeks ago so the content is still being built-up. The "focus" is the dropdown on the dashboard just below the language dropdown.