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    No probs, glad you like it.

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    Yes, point taken. Not sure what happened though as I did post this under suggestions. Keep up the good work :)

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    Enjoyable kata, although the description could be made a little clearer.

    at the mo this sentence is quite long and hard to read - Very basic, if the string would fit in the bath, it could fall in. We can not allow that in safety month! If the string can fit in, return false, as it is not safe. Else return true - the string couldn't fit in if it wanted to!

    it would be better as - Very basic, if the string can fit in the bath, it could fall in.
    We can not allow that in safety month! If the string can fit in, it's not safe so return false, otherwise return true, as the string couldn't fit in if it wanted to!

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    Thanks and glad it's sorted :)

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    Hi, thanks for the feedback. I didn't write the python version but I'll try to get it resolved.

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    The kata explanation given is confusing. can anyone explain what is actually required for this kata please?

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    Can anyone explain why if I passed the test case, why when I try to submit i get this message Expected: drink whisky, instead got: undefined.

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    Can anyone offer some help/suggestions, I passed 5 tests but fail 1 getting the message Expected: Hero, instead got: undefined.

    I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. Any help appreciated.

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    My code fails the test to return the witty retort but passes the other 2 tests okay. Is there an issue with the test case? I've been unable to submit

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    can anyone offer some help please, I can pass the lowercase check and thought doing an uppercase check would be the same if not very similar to the way I did lowercase.
    But uppercase or random checks fail and I'm not sure what I'm missing with this now

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    As someone mentioned below, I've also passed the tests for this kata but cant submit the code. I get the message 1 passed and 1 failed, value is not what is expected when trying to submit.
    Can anyone explain what the problem might be and how to get around it?

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    Can anyone explain what the test cases are for, why they are needed and how to use them please.