looks like u solved it
'Looks like you've solved it'
Not a kata issue
In general :
Otherwise it is hard for anyone to help, and know if it is an issue or not.
All good
OK changed it out for your version :D Think in future these sorts of things should be flagged as suggestions rather than issues - issues stop katas getting published and not sure it was at that level. Thanks for the input.
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Everything must be lower case, accept for the first letter which must be upper case.
Then why does it say no tests were provided ?
The test case are just for testing your code before submitting.
If you build a calculator, a test case could test to ensure that 1+1 returns 2
A test case is NOT required for passing the challenge. They are for testing only. One does not need to test if you know what you're doing
me too!!!
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looks like u solved it
'Looks like you've solved it'
Not a kata issue
In general :
Otherwise it is hard for anyone to help, and know if it is an issue or not.
All good
OK changed it out for your version :D Think in future these sorts of things should be flagged as suggestions rather than issues - issues stop katas getting published and not sure it was at that level. Thanks for the input.
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Everything must be lower case, accept for the first letter which must be upper case.
Then why does it say no tests were provided ?
The test case are just for testing your code before submitting.
If you build a calculator, a test case could test to ensure that 1+1 returns 2
A test case is NOT required for passing the challenge. They are for testing only. One does not need to test if you know what you're doing
me too!!!
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