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    in part from "the Zen of Python"

    "Beautiful is better than ugly.
    Explicit is better than implicit.
    Simple is better than complex.
    Complex is better than complicated."

    i would say the Explicit is better than implicit covers what i'm trying to say.

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    thank you for the feedback! This is my second Kata i have created (we just won't talk about my first attempt). When you say (in part) "you expect a string returned rather than an error raised (that's a choice design, but generally, when something is wrong, one goes for raising an error" what exactly do you mean? My understanding is to provide the correct answer in the test, and anything other than that would be an error. Are you saying i should provide better feedback in the test?

    I'll look for a more original kata for my next one. thanks again for your feedback, i'll need more to improve :)

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    in order to pass the random tests in Pythong, i had to add error handling. apparently some of the random tests use lists instead of dictionaries.

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    could you please be more specific?

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    if you’re going to say "Any input that is NOT a letter should be treated as if it is not there." but you really mean "a subset of all characters that aren't letters should be ignored" please tell us what exactly that subset is.

    I have tried and tried to do this kata, but its way to tricky to account for every situation. for example, I left out everything that isn't a letter only to find out that - is excluded from that statement. really? - is now a letter? I continue and found that the same is true for #

    I refuse to do a Kata where the only answer is to brute force the hole ascii space and test, you are no longer challenging my programing skills but making me guess on the rules of the game. Please be more specific than "Any input that is NOT a letter should be treated as if it is not there."

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    far too compact and against what python is all about

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    Thanks for you guidence and assistance.

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    Thanks for the feedback JohanWiltink. part of my problem is that i can't find the documentation on how to make random tests. could you please point me to them? Thanks again for the constructive feedback, it means more to me than you could know.

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    so you didn't even make an attempt to solve this?

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    Thanks for your feedback! :)

    1. great suggestion
    2. this is my first kata, I’m still trying to figure out how to add them. If you could point me to any documentation that explains this i would appreciate it.
    3. I'll attempt to re-word this. Again, thanks for this suggestion
    4. I respect your option, but you come off as rude. just having another coder that is able to write katas adds to CW. In the future if you aren't going to provide constructive feedback (such as your first 3 points) please don't post.

    Overall your feedback is greatly appreciated, Thank you very much. and rest assured that once I get a hang of making katas their quality will improve, I’m sorry you don't see the value of this one.

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    uh, in that case yes your correct that was in fact my error. Thanks for again for all your help!

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    i bet there are more than a few bugs in my code, but not initializing temp isn't one. temp is a global variable that was initalized in line 3. But i am in the weeds on this one becouse what i think you meant is that temp wasn't initialized as an array, and your exactly correct! Thanks for the eyes on my problem, your a great help!

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    So.... the descripton here needs a bit of work. What is S for?

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    ok so this is a good point, to be honest i lied i didn't do the look i<n.length, but a variable that i made (let test = String(n).split("")) and that does have a length. I should have been more clear here. My point is the same, and really doesn't have to do with n at all. All for loops appear to be broken, or at leaste i can't make any for loops work in THIS kata.

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