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    There are no checkings on the number of oranges after picking an orange.

    There are also no checkings on whether there are any oranges to pick (e.g a tree in the first 5 years have no oranges, so you shouldn't be able to pick any from it).

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    pick_an_orange (which reduces the @orange_count by 1 and returns a string telling you how delicious the orange was, or else it just tells you that there are no more oranges to pick this year).

    The return value in the non-dead case isn't even specified. It's hidden in the random tests.

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    For the first 5 years, it should not produce fruit, but in its sixth year it should, and older trees produce more each year than younger trees... (at a rate of height * 15 - 25 per year)

    Height at the 5th year or the 6th year?

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    Random tests are still awkward. In example tests, the format is xx:xx:xx.xxxx
    Random tests can have deviating formats, for example 2:5:5.527 or 8:24:13.477.

    Also, you should specify exactly in what manner the resulting float should be cut down to three decimals: your solution seems to rounds them - my first attempt was to simply truncate.

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    Python translation kumited -- please check and approve (note: author is inactive)

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    • Ruby 3.0 should be enabled (Refer this & this for more detail)

    • Missing fixed or sample tests whereby last word in list is not BYE

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    • Python new test framework should be used (Refer this & this for more detail)

    • Ruby 3.0 should be enabled (Refer this & this for more detail)