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    Fixed some time agoo

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    too late - we don't want to invalidate 1,139 solutions

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    Re-raised the issue since this applies too all languages.

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    Fixed renaming the class name in initial solution, test cases become locked in a language once 500 warriors have solved the kata in it.

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    I would use suggestion, not issue. The kata works.

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    Shouldn't this issue be resolved?

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    'First transaction thru transaction four: add $25 to the register (total is $100).
    Fifth transaction: make change for $25 ($75 in register).'
    You're making change for the customers, but you're forgetting to take their initial bill. In essence, you're giving all of your money away. Your total value should increase by $25 because that's what each customer is paying.

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    You have 4 $25 bills after 4 transactions.

    Get $50 bill, give one $25 bill back.
    You have 1 $50 bill, 3 $25 bills.

    Get $100 bill, give one $50 bill and 2 $25 bills back.
    You have 1 $100 bill, 1 $25 bill left.

    Get $50 bill, give one $25 bill back.
    You have 1 $100 bill, 1 $50 bill left.

    So you should return "YES".

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    Thanks for suggestion.
    Create a function so that for every integer n the function will return x + n
    This could be a new Kata, since some of the previous solutions won't pass for this requirement and warriors need to modify their code.
    I added the bonus part into the description. Thank you.