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    you are calling the function, not returning a new function as asked by the kata

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    You are welcome! Good work!

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    Be sure that there are no errors in the tests, maybe you could look again to your code. In the first example you gave, how could you find 18? Try it with paper and pencil and you will see. Good luck!

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    i was maded the same mistake as you do, after desperately retring still failed ,i checked the solutions
    then i found ,i was misunderstood the question .
    the make_lazy function should return the function modding(*arg) itself ,but not the result of modding(*arg).
    it's quite different .
    this is why you got the error "TypeError: 'int' object is not callable":
    you code:

    def make_lazy(f, *args):
    return f(*args)

    this above of code return the result of modding(4,4) ,which is 0 ,that is a number.
    but the Test program expected the first arg is the function .
    so the test code will like this


    so the type error occured .

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    There was an issue with the latest update that causes some points/ranks to be calculated incorrectly. The data should be fixed now. Sorry for the mixup.

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    I lost about 50 honor, too, and have no idea why.