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    Should be fixed.

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    Already raised as issue

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    Python 2 is no longer supported.

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    Wouldn't it be better to accept any iterable like range or tuple?, for me they are good options too

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    Please note a language when reporting issues. This works fine in Ruby for example.

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    This was added (maybe by you) to the list of affected kata:

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    Well, at least I got different error messages as you can see, so I thought there should have been something changed. I tried refreshing but it didn't work.

    I just try again, everything works fine now. (more preciously, works well with py2, and well with py3 only after change the range(...) to list(range(...))) :D

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    Fixed just now.

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    I can't get the alpha even run print alpha for sample tests.
    Should be caused by changement of CW..

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    That line (the one you've copied and pasted) should read assert_not_eq([3, 1000], random_ints). I'm not exactly sure why it hasn't updated for you, because it works for me. Can you try refreshing the page?

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    No, it's not fixed yet.
    Now I get this when running sample tests:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 14, in <module>
        assert_not_eq([3, 1000])
    TypeError: assert_not_eq() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)
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    Ah yes, sorry about that; it's fixed now.

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    I know that my code is not complete and may have errors. I just wonder why it can pass the kata with error raised. I thought it should raise errors which tell me what to modify while I got a sudden pass..

    Since I've not seen such bizarrerie before and I haven't try to create a kata, I don't know if it can be caused by the system or by the testing code. I just want to remind you to check if there's a bug in the testing code. ;)

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    Do you see, that you actually have an Error?

    IndexError: tuple index out of range

    Ii seams you are using a O(n) time complexity algorithm. It will not pass. I dont know why the Test suite is giving you a "You have passed all of the tests! :)" message. It is indeed irritating. Probably its a bug in the suite itself. But it does not changes the relation to your solution, which is not passing. In general: Error messages are bad signs when you submit a Solution.;)

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