That line (the one you've copied and pasted) should read assert_not_eq([3, 1000], random_ints). I'm not exactly sure why it hasn't updated for you, because it works for me. Can you try refreshing the page?
Ii seams you are using a O(n) time complexity algorithm. It will not pass. I dont know why the Test suite is giving you a "You have passed all of the tests! :)" message. It is indeed irritating. Probably its a bug in the suite itself. But it does not changes the relation to your solution, which is not passing. In general: Error messages are bad signs when you submit a Solution.;)
Should be fixed.
Already raised as issue
Python 2 is no longer supported.
Wouldn't it be better to accept any iterable like range or tuple?, for me they are good options too
Please note a language when reporting issues. This works fine in Ruby for example.
This was added (maybe by you) to the list of affected kata:
Fixed just now.
That line (the one you've copied and pasted) should read
assert_not_eq([3, 1000], random_ints)
. I'm not exactly sure why it hasn't updated for you, because it works for me. Can you try refreshing the page?Ah yes, sorry about that; it's fixed now.
Do you see, that you actually have an Error?
IndexError: tuple index out of range
Ii seams you are using a O(n) time complexity algorithm. It will not pass. I dont know why the Test suite is giving you a "You have passed all of the tests! :)" message. It is indeed irritating. Probably its a bug in the suite itself. But it does not changes the relation to your solution, which is not passing. In general: Error messages are bad signs when you submit a Solution.;)
Could you please paste your code here and mark it as a spoiler?
Help us help you.
Post the error messages.
closing here.
Damn, I made the same mistake without even noticing... x)
I've updated the fork of the python version, but you'll have to wait for its publication, though... I'll correct my pending java translation too.
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