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    Thanks very much for your reply. I haven't read "eloquent Javascript", but it's on my "must-read" list. I'm still feeling my way around Javascript, but you're the 3rd or 4th person to mention "eloquent Javascript", so it's apparently a very useful source.

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    Should this be included in Fundamentals? Everyone has his own definition of "fundamentals" but, from my perspective as someone who has done only the Codecademy course in Javascript and a handful of katas, the 'fundamental' tag seems a bit misplaced here.

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    is there a way to do this in fewer than 250 chars without using regex? My only exposure to JS is completing a Codecademy course and some level 8 and level 7 katas. Based on my limited experience, I instinctively reached for a 'switch' statement, but that puts me around 350 chars, even after smushing my code together as much as possible. I suspect that I'm missing a more elegant solution, but I don't know regular expressions.

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    Thanks, Dean! I'll get the hang of this environment soon.

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    I'm trying to teach myself Javascript to prepare for an assessment test given by Full Stack. I took Codecademy's online "Javascript" course, which felt like a good place to start. Now I'm trying some CodeWar challenges. I started at level 8 as would anyone, and I've submitted a few katas (Isograms, Remove the Minimum, Grasshopper - Grade book), but now I'm stuck on one that looks like it should be straightforward - "A function within a function". I'm trying to solve this, and I hate to put up the white flag, but I feel like I've run out of ideas. My question is whether I can find the solution to this somewhere. I want to move on to other katas and to continue learning, but I hate the feeling of moving past something without understanding it. Can someone offer any guidance on this?