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    Yes, absolutely.

    It may not be "Simple", but function composition certainly is "Fundamental".

    Look at it this way: "1243".split("").sort().join("") is also function composition, just with a different syntax.

    ( That could have been compose( join(""), sort(), split("") )( "1243" ). Mind that the arguments to compose are functions. )

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    Did you read eloquent javascript? The main thing that I think would be confusing is scope and closures, so perhaps looking into those two topics would be helpful.

    function mainScope (args) { //main function
    var newfunction = function(){ //still has access to variables accessible in mainScope
    return args; //can manipulate args as expected
    return args;

    function secondaryScope (args) { //new function
    newFunction(); //would throw error

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    Check out ternary operators :)

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    You should post this in the discuss thread of the kata you are having trouble with. You will see discuss with some speech bubbles just below the katas title. I believe this is the kata you are talking about. function within a function
    There are lots of things you can do with functions in javascript. In Javascript functions are actually just a special type of object so they can be returned or even passed around.
    so a function that returns another function would look something like this

    function a(n){
      return function(){
        ///do something with the argument n
    var b = a(9)
    // then b is a function that does something with 9
    b()  // is the same as a(9)()

    I hope that helps. If you are still stuck or just want to learn more about functions in functions here are some things to research on Google

    • Javascript closures
    • Immediately Invoked Function Expressions(IIFE)
    • Javascript scope