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    (61.24500442784596/(1.6991658936130298 * 2))

    Please check your formula again, you got it slightly wrong.

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    I agree with you, this is really succinct and clever. In any case, the lower case letters can be tackled with simple 'i' flag on the regular expression, which I use.
    Really great job @ooflorent making this solution readable and easy to understand

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    The way you're using the number 0 is inconsistent with the rest of the values it can be. You're interpreting "0 times larger" the way you should interpret "1 times larger". They can't both mean "the same size".

    If you're interpreting "10 times larger" as 10x, and "2 times larger" as 2x, and so on and so forth, you can't interpret "0 times larger" as 1x; to be consistent, it has to be 0x. And really, when you're using "times larger" or "times smaller", it's nonsensical to use any values <= 1.