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    Don't take a second call if it requires changing direction
    4 1 { floor: 1, direction: 'down' } { floor: 2, direction: 'down' }
    expected 'right right' to equal 'right left'

    Doesn't this fall under the edge case 'e'? Both directions are the same, the same elevator is closer to both calls, and the elevator only has to change direction once?

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    Fixed tests and random tests have different input date string formats:

    Fixed test: 'Thu Feb 07 2019 12:00:00'
    Random test: 'Fri Oct 27 2023 11:34:44 GMT+0000 (UTC)'

    More crucially, why pass in date strings when passing in a Date object is infinitely more appropriate for the task? This is just bad kata design.

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    Hi, I'm about to ask a dumb question (still learning.) Nothing shows up (correct or incorrect) when I press return. For reference, I'm new to js and I use VSC to do my work/study instead of regular terminal. Could someone explain please?

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    Description should be language-agnostic

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    Iterate over an array and compare values

    The idea is not novel at all. You could at least enforce O(1) solutions...

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    How can the stops array be empty ?!?

    I'm tempted to think that's physically impossible - there would be no starting position for the buses.

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    No random tests.

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    Description and Initial code are inconsistent with Example tests: number of arguments is different. I can only hope Submit tests are consistent with Example ones.

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    Direction of buses is unspecified. Apparently, the second bus reverses through the array?

    Do not rely on examples for these things. It makes us mindreaders, and we are not.

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    Sample tests are useless.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    1. If both strings are equal in length ..

    Which strings are referred to here? ( Up to this point, the descripion only mentions arrays and integers. well, and a function and an object. but I'm guessing those are not what's asked anyway. )