Because comments under solutions are visible on the home page dashboard. xD
Why should he flag spoilers if you're already in the literal solutions section.. xD
That's a great site! Thanks for the link, never heard of it before.
He's already in 3rd kyu. Why bother?
Can you please paste your solution here?
use the spoiler flag when posting code (I just added the flag for you)
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
if it works, it works ^_^
Why would you need that if $ (-x)^2 = (-1)^2 * x^2 = x^2 $ and x2 >= 0
$ (-x)^2 = (-1)^2 * x^2 = x^2 $
Better try that code with the input he asked and see for yourself.
I'm confused how you weren't required to declare the maps function
Nice Kata. I tried something similar, but with the test function.
The name is repeatStr. It's called arrow function expression. It's missing const or let tho.
how does it work with no function name initializated ?
I tried this it didn't work! yet it worked for more than 2000 people
this is considered bad practice, however
*in professional code, yes
in codegolf (crafting a solution with the fewest characters/bytes), however, anything goes
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Because comments under solutions are visible on the home page dashboard. xD
Why should he flag spoilers if you're already in the literal solutions section.. xD
That's a great site! Thanks for the link, never heard of it before.
He's already in 3rd kyu. Why bother?
Can you please paste your solution here?
use the spoiler flag when posting code (I just added the flag for you)
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
if it works, it works ^_^
Why would you need that if
$ (-x)^2 = (-1)^2 * x^2 = x^2 $
and x2 >= 0Better try that code with the input he asked and see for yourself.
I'm confused how you weren't required to declare the maps function
Nice Kata. I tried something similar, but with the test function.
The name is
. It's called arrow function expression. It's missingconst
orlet does it work with no function name initializated ?
I tried this it didn't work! yet it worked for more than 2000 people
*in professional code, yes
in codegolf (crafting a solution with the fewest characters/bytes), however, anything goes
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