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    Thanks for your feedback, and for completing the kata. (It's funny, I created this kata a year ago, and now I'm raking leaves again.) I know it's a long description, and I'm sure that's why it hasn't been completed by many codewarriors. I thought I had already pared it down to the essentials, but I can take another look to see if anything else could be removed. I will say, though, that some kata simply can't be described in a short text, and it's often worthwhile to push yourself to read through the whole thing.

    As for the whole numbers vs. fractions thing, I think this is something that you pick up through knowledge of the given programming language and how it handles numbers, especially with respect to rounding errors. It's just part of knowing the language and planning your approach accordingly.

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    Thoroughly enjoyed it! It was one of those cases where I first said, "Nah, I ain't reading all that... " Then I kicked myself in the butt to come back again and slog through the description, and I was glad I did. Some kata are just hard to explain without a lengthy description. The thorough example was helpful, too. Thanks for all the work you put into this!

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    Description should specify that the speed is expressed in length units per minute.

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    Description needs some work -- especially the fact that there is a missing URL, as someone pointed out TWO YEARS AGO.

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    Thanks for those replies. That was indeed the problem. So now I just have to figure out how to speed up my solution...

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    I'm confused. If we are supposed to return the minimum amount of money needed for the vacation, how do you explain this fixed test:

    • money: 10
    • days: 2
    • cost: [3, 7, 6]
    • expected: "money: 10" - Isn't the minimum "money: 9" ???
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    Thanks for a fantastic challenge! I learned a few things along the way.

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    The form "dice" is plural. The singular form is "die." So you don't roll a dice, you roll a die. (Admittedly, even a lot of native English speakers don't know this!)

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    I "solved" this kata in its current state, but the description should clarify what is a parallel angle and what is a perpendicular angle (or at least link to a website that gives these definitions). I basically relied on my knowledge of parallel lines and perpendicular lines and hoped this knowledge would apply to angles, too.

    Also: The description says that one of the angles will be specified in radians, but it's not really specified in radians, but in terms of pi. So in effect you have to convert from that to radians, then from radians to degrees.

    By looking at the results of the random tests, I was able to identify specific situations in which the kata expected None to be returned, but I have no idea why!

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    For years, people have told me I'm not playing with a full deck. Now we finally have a way to determine whether that is true! Thanks for the kata.

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    Now do a beer pong kata!

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    Thanks! Do I need to take action on this to adopt the new framework? I'm not familiar with that process.

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    Oops, that comment should read "...concatenate a pound sign (hash symbol) to the result string for each of these characters."

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    Remember, kids: In Java, ints (including elements of int arrays) are initialized to zero. This might affect your approach to the solution.

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    Thanks! I was rather excited and astonished :-)

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