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    Thank you for your contribution! It's been taken into account

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    (JS) Random tests should be wrapped inside a describe block, like this:

    describe("Random tests", function(){
      // Reference solution here
      function reference(money, days, cost) {
        // ...
      it("Small random tests", function(){
        // ...
      it("Medium random tests", function(){
        // ...
      it("Extra large random tests", function(){
        // ...
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    Thanks for your remark! The word consecutive has now been highlighted in the task description

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    You probably missed the part in description that says the days have to be consecutive :p

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    I'm confused. If we are supposed to return the minimum amount of money needed for the vacation, how do you explain this fixed test:

    • money: 10
    • days: 2
    • cost: [3, 7, 6]
    • expected: "money: 10" - Isn't the minimum "money: 9" ???
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    This is a difficult question. To not give up, maybe :)

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    Hello RileyHunter
    Hello again HerrWert...
    I agree with you both! --> I've upvoted you both to show my support of your comments.

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    Hello YurDavid,

    Premise: Programming is fundamentally built on mathematics.

    If you accept that premise, then all problems on Codewars are essentially playing with mathematics of one sort or another. Programming and mathematics are deeply intertwined; algorithms, data structures, and computational theory are all grounded in mathematical concepts. Even seemingly simple coding challenges often rely on mathematical logic and principles.

    What are your thoughts?

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    Hello iNikAnn,

    Premise: Programming is fundamentally built on mathematics.

    If you accept that premise, then all problems on Codewars are essentially playing with mathematics of one sort or another. Programming and mathematics are deeply intertwined; algorithms, data structures, and computational theory are all grounded in mathematical concepts. Even seemingly simple coding challenges often rely on mathematical logic and principles.

    What are your thoughts?

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    Hello Yuskus,
    I feel your frustration... But did you learn something from it?

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    it was about 2 weeks... this kata annoyed me.. but I won. it's hard, strange but possible. random tests is strange... I don't like this kata

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    Thanks for the comment - much appreciated!

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    Thanks for a fantastic challenge! I learned a few things along the way.

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    I learned quite a few ways for manipulating execution time from this kata and it's solutions, so I disagree with you here.

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