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    Not bad kata. Imho would suggest removing superfluous elements from description to increase clarity and make it more about solving the kata than reading a story.

    Also would suggest either telling warriors to use whole numbers rather than incrementing anything by fractions like 1/2 or 1/3rd. I was getting errors when I didn't use whole numbers for my math even though it was the same math as when I used fractions.

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    Common Lisp translation, please approve / reject.

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    All languages should use floating point comparison

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    the description is far from good...:

    • especially convoluted about the first rule to break ties (why not to say the... "obvious", to make the things clearer?)
    • examples at the end have to be given in code blocks, to make clear what the separators are, when there are ties (=> ", ")
    • the description is actually wrongly worded about the final point of tie breaking:
      • first sub-point clearly tells the ties stands, but doesn't say to actually add "(ties)" at the end of the string (the info must be given there, not after)
      • second subpoint is clearly wrong, because it suggest the tie has to be broken while it actually isn't, on the coding/user side: it's only about adding another suffix to the string. This had to be rewritten properly.
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    • the tests need to use chai.assert.deepEqual, not assertSimilar
    • the sample tests are close to useless, since they provide no case with ties/jump-off
    • no fixed tests in the full test suite
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    • the sample tests are close to useless, since they provide no case with ties/jump-off
    • the sample tests should be the same in all languages (to resolve the following point as well)
    • the description is fully doubled for python: that's useless
    • the initial solution in python contains a JS comment (which makes it invalid in python...)
    • no fixed tests in the full test suite.
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    Is there a reason this isn't being tested within some tolerance? I've solved this on Python without issue, except that for ~1-5 random test cases I'm off by 1/1000 which makes the rounding break the other direction(e.g. 0.444 => 0.44 vs 0.445 => 0.45).

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    Considering this is an 8-kyu challenge with no obvious solution, it should utilize the V2 test suite's approximation.

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    Need example tests to show what's going on :)