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    Input range should be specified.

  • Default User Avatar

    Whats the point of the bits argument in toTwosComplement ? it seems to always be equal to the number of digits in the input string, i did not use it in my solution and still passed the tests

  • Custom User Avatar
    • Python new test framework should be used (Refer this & this for more detail)

    • Ruby 3.0 should be enabled (Refer this & this for more detail)

  • Custom User Avatar

    No random tests in ruby

  • Default User Avatar

    Python: the reference solution may return incorrect results in some rare cases. Here one example:

    start = (1, 57)
    end = (25, 20)
    obstacles = [(1, 45), (1, 46), (1, 47), (1, 48), (1, 49), (1, 50), (1, 51), (2, 41), (2, 42), (2, 43), (2, 44), (2, 45), (2, 46), (2, 47), (2, 48), (2, 49), (2, 50), (2, 51), (2, 52), (2, 53), (2, 54), (2, 55), (3, 40), (3, 41), (3, 42), (3, 43), (3, 53), (3, 54), (3, 55), (3, 56), (4, 39), (4, 40), (4, 41), (4, 42), (4, 54), (4, 55), (4, 56), (4, 57), (5, 38), (5, 39), (5, 40), (5, 56), (5, 57), (5, 58), (6, 38), (6, 39), (6, 40), (6, 56), (6, 57), (6, 58), (7, 37), (7, 38), (7, 39), (7, 57), (7, 58), (7, 59), (8, 37), (8, 38), (8, 58), (8, 59), (9, 36), (9, 37), (9, 38), (9, 58), (9, 59), (9, 60), (10, 37), (10, 38), (10, 58), (10, 59), (11, 37), (11, 38), (11, 39), (11, 57), (11, 58), (11, 59), (12, 38), (12, 39), (12, 40), (12, 56), (12, 57), (12, 58), (13, 38), (13, 39), (13, 40), (13, 56), (13, 57), (13, 58), (14, 39), (14, 40), (14, 41), (14, 42), (14, 54), (14, 55), (14, 56), (14, 57), (15, 40), (15, 41), (15, 42), (15, 43), (15, 53), (15, 54), (15, 55), (15, 56), (16, 10), (16, 11), (16, 12), (16, 13), (16, 41), (16, 42), (16, 43), (16, 44), (16, 45), (16, 46), (16, 47), (16, 48), (16, 49), (16, 50), (16, 51), (16, 52), (16, 53), (16, 54), (16, 55), (17, 11), (17, 12), (17, 13), (17, 14), (17, 43), (17, 44), (17, 45), (17, 46), (17, 47), (17, 48), (17, 49), (17, 50), (17, 51), (17, 52), (17, 53), (18, 12), (18, 13), (18, 14), (18, 15), (18, 16), (18, 45), (18, 46), (18, 47), (18, 48), (18, 49), (18, 50), (18, 51), (19, 14), (19, 15), (19, 16), (19, 17), (19, 18), (20, 16), (20, 17), (20, 18), (20, 19), (20, 20), (20, 21), (20, 37), (20, 38), (21, 18), (21, 19), (21, 20), (21, 21), (21, 22), (21, 23), (21, 24), (21, 25), (21, 26), (21, 27), (21, 28), (21, 29), (21, 30), (21, 31), (21, 32), (21, 33), (21, 34), (21, 35), (21, 36), (21, 37), (21, 38), (21, 39), (21, 40), (22, 20), (22, 21), (22, 22), (22, 23), (22, 24), (22, 25), (22, 26), (22, 27), (22, 28), (22, 29), (22, 30), (22, 31), (22, 32), (22, 33), (22, 34), (22, 35), (22, 36), (22, 37), (22, 38), (23, 24), (23, 25), (23, 26), (23, 27), (23, 28), (23, 29), (23, 30), (23, 31), (23, 32), (23, 33), (23, 34)]

    The optimal solution is 27 and the reference solution returns 29.

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    Random inputs are vulnerable to input modification.

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    There are too much unspecified behaviors:

    • give an example with duplicates too
    • give the rules about those in plain text too
    • something seems wrong in this test:

    input: [0, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 9, 11, 11, 14, 18, 19, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21,
            23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 25, 27, 28, 28, 28, 28, 31, 33, 33, 37, 37, 38, 39, 42, 42, 43, 50]
    ['0', '2-6', '9', '9', '11', '14', '18-21', '23-25', '28', '28', '31', '33', '37-39', '42', '43', '50'] 
    should equal 
    ['0', '2-6', '8', '9', '11', '14', '18-21', '23-25', '27', '28', '31', '33', '37-39', '42', '43', '50']

    what you do with the section 8, 9, 9 seems inconsistent with the described rules:

    • either you considere it's a run of 3 numbers and it has to be returned as 8-9
    • or it's not a run and it has to be returned as '8', '9', '9', not '8', '9'

    (yes, my code is wrong in both cases, for now. ;p )

  • Custom User Avatar

    The description asks for the first vowel to be replaced, but the tests want all vowels to be replaced.

    Also: I fully agree with Blind4Basics and Voile.

  • Default User Avatar


    You do not understand the goal of this (issue):

    CW has already too many katas of this kind. The idea is to discontinue the flow of them, appearing again and again and decreasing the overall interest of the plateform, flooding the interesting pieces.

    I see you aren't new to the website, so you should know the general feeling about that. Kids can do the other katas of the same kind, there is no need to publish new ones. If you want to use this kata for your own purpose you still can unpublish it and send the link of the draft version to the persons of interest.

    Please do not resolve this issue just to resolve it.



  • Custom User Avatar

    The description should has stated something like "If not possible, return None"