summing up the results, and adding the appropriate object's hit points to that value
... does that mean that the hitpoint is par team? per species or per people/animal? :o Looks like you're saying it's added to the result, hence per team (but that's not at all what I got from the previous verison of the description :oo )
from the description, it's not clear if the modifiers are applied to the hitpoints, the power levels or to the actual resulting power of each team (the sum).
A third function parameter, terrain, determines which side has an advantage in the fight: "island" increases humans' power by 20 points, and "sea" increases the primates' power by 10 points
the description of the objects do not match the actual property names: hit_points instead of hitPoints, same about Jane stuff
not a problem, but the sample tests (maybe fixed too) use unnecessary parentheses for the expected result. It's not really "pretty" to look at...
Q: why the power levels aren't defined as a global variable? If not, at least put them in lowercase in the description, so that they match the properties.
The power for humans = 1, as seen in the instructions. That means you have to do a calculation like clientObj.crew * 1 (this gives you the total power for the appropiate species), replicate for other properties in monkObk.
The Objects monkObj and clientObj keyValue pairs are named differently, in the description they are snake_case when in reality they are camelCase. Seems like a pretty big oversight to me. Could we fix the readme or the tests one or the other. Also, "sea," and "island," might be correct way to use in english but in the actual tests the key value pairs are "sea" and "island" can we get some consistent names please?
ah Jane's influence is a floating point number, not an integer.
How on earth can the primates win from the humans in that first case, given this description?
primates have 70 score + 20 HP, while humans have 35 score + 70 HP + island bonus of 20.
... does that mean that the hitpoint is par team? per species or per people/animal? :o Looks like you're saying it's added to the result, hence per team (but that's not at all what I got from the previous verison of the description :oo )
I've changed the 1st and 2nd specs to be more clear about this.
from the description, it's not clear if the modifiers are applied to the hitpoints, the power levels or to the actual resulting power of each team (the sum).
same about Jane
I guess, but see above plz ;)
instead ofhitPoints
, same about Jane stuffQ: why the power levels aren't defined as a global variable? If not, at least put them in lowercase in the description, so that they match the properties.
edit: prefer
multiply with
tomultiply against
Added a note that actual key names may be different from what's mentioned in the description. Fixed the
thing.Hopefully, it should be clearer now.
The bullet-points are badly-ordered, and it's hard to follow the explanation.
Key names in the description are in snake_case but is actually camelCase in the tests.
Also, description writes
instead of"sea"
for the terrains.Had a similar issue with Jane. Copied "jane_reporting_4_duty" from the description instead of "janeReporting4Duty" took my for ever to realize.
The power for humans = 1, as seen in the instructions. That means you have to do a calculation like clientObj.crew * 1 (this gives you the total power for the appropiate species), replicate for other properties in monkObk.
The Objects monkObj and clientObj keyValue pairs are named differently, in the description they are snake_case when in reality they are camelCase. Seems like a pretty big oversight to me. Could we fix the readme or the tests one or the other. Also, "sea," and "island," might be correct way to use in english but in the actual tests the key value pairs are "sea" and "island" can we get some consistent names please?
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