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    from the description, it's not clear if the modifiers are applied to the hitpoints, the power levels or to the actual resulting power of each team (the sum).

    A third function parameter, terrain, determines which side has an advantage in the fight: "island" increases humans' power by 20 points, and "sea" increases the primates' power by 10 points

    same about Jane

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    • the description of the objects do not match the actual property names: hit_points instead of hitPoints, same about Jane stuff
    • not a problem, but the sample tests (maybe fixed too) use unnecessary parentheses for the expected result. It's not really "pretty" to look at...

    Q: why the power levels aren't defined as a global variable? If not, at least put them in lowercase in the description, so that they match the properties.

    edit: prefer multiply with to multiply against