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    ah ok, i see what i did.... I will try to fix this now

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    OK! I have updated the Kata, I hope this is better. I really appretiate your feedback, it has been really helpful and I actually learned quite a bit from building this kata, even if it was really simple.

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    Hmmm.... aparently my changes didnt save. I will try to redo them with these new suggestions tomorrow. Thanks again!

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    Ok, I have updated a bit, I tried building some random number tests and it works ok... the problem is I dont know how to create a float with only 1 or 2 decimals and sometimes it returns the error "cannot convert float infinity to int" or something like that.

    Any suggestions??

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    Haha, yea I see what you mean. I am still VERY new to programming, and to CodeWars especially. I was really trying to just make a Kata to understand how they get created. I will try to add some better test cases. Thanks for the feedback.