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    I posted mine on the git wiki. I also noticed that my incorrect honor score is what's showing on my stats Honor Breakdown. It looks like while my site-events page is not showing honor for my white challenges, the Honor Breakdown is, but its not showing honor for other stuff like referrals and up-votes.

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    I've gone through 3 or 4 different Kotlin katas this morning and all of them timed-out. I don't think it's this kata specifically. The Kotlin implementation for Codewars seems to need some work.

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    For the C# challenge, I'm new to CodeWars so maybe I'm missing something, but I'm struggling to understand the full requirements / unit test expectations on this challenge. I can pass the example unit tests easily, but there are other unit tests that I can't figure out. For example, the CanHandleEmpty unit test:

    If I return false on an empty base string, I get:
    ✔ 5 assertions passed
    ✘ all empty
    Expected: True
    But was: False

    If I switch that to return true on an empty base string, I get:
    ✔ 2 assertions passed
    ✘ empty result
    Expected: False
    But was: True

    From that output, I am assuming I am expected to return either a true or false value based on the empty-ness of the base string AND two part strings, but it isn't described in the instructions or in any of the example unit tests. Is there a way to see the full unit test code? I think this expectation should be clearly documented in the instructions, but the instructions don't mention what do with any empty strings. The same is true of the GoingBananas unit test. I can't discern from the unit test output what it is expecting. Am I just missing stuff I should be seeing or are these test cases covering requirements not described in the instructions or the example unit tests?