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    I posted mine on the git wiki. I also noticed that my incorrect honor score is what's showing on my stats Honor Breakdown. It looks like while my site-events page is not showing honor for my white challenges, the Honor Breakdown is, but its not showing honor for other stuff like referrals and up-votes.

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    I've gone through 3 or 4 different Kotlin katas this morning and all of them timed-out. I don't think it's this kata specifically. The Kotlin implementation for Codewars seems to need some work.

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    You can forfeit the kata and see other solutions as well as the full code of the kata.

    To help you along a bit, the basic problem is to decide whether it is possible to write the three strings on top of each other as in the description. On top of that there are some more precise requirements added by the unit tests, e.g. if you need to use all characters in all strings, etc.

    When it comes to the empty string tests, there is no special handling required, so there are no special instructions for that case. For example, you can merge an empty string ("") and "apple" to form "apple", so isMerge("apple", "", "apple") should return true. Since you are required to use all the characters (sorry for the spoiler) isMerge("", "a", "b") must return false. With that in mind, what should isMerge("", "", "") return?

    The Banana test is what makes this kata worth 5 kyu instead of 7. :-)

    If you get stuck. Print out the parameters and try to arrange the strings on top of each other on paper, then try to figure out why your code can't. Or ask again. I'll try to nudge you in the right direction. :-)

    Thanks for the feedback and good luck!

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    For the C# challenge, I'm new to CodeWars so maybe I'm missing something, but I'm struggling to understand the full requirements / unit test expectations on this challenge. I can pass the example unit tests easily, but there are other unit tests that I can't figure out. For example, the CanHandleEmpty unit test:

    If I return false on an empty base string, I get:
    ✔ 5 assertions passed
    ✘ all empty
    Expected: True
    But was: False

    If I switch that to return true on an empty base string, I get:
    ✔ 2 assertions passed
    ✘ empty result
    Expected: False
    But was: True

    From that output, I am assuming I am expected to return either a true or false value based on the empty-ness of the base string AND two part strings, but it isn't described in the instructions or in any of the example unit tests. Is there a way to see the full unit test code? I think this expectation should be clearly documented in the instructions, but the instructions don't mention what do with any empty strings. The same is true of the GoingBananas unit test. I can't discern from the unit test output what it is expecting. Am I just missing stuff I should be seeing or are these test cases covering requirements not described in the instructions or the example unit tests?